My first pay cheque was INR 500 ($5.99) in 2018 and since then I have been in love with design.

Devansh is a wonderful designer, with great eye for detail. Working with him at DeepSource was a wonderful experience. He is systematic with his approach, and can easily build something uniquely beautiful and yet consistent with the design language we have.

Shivam Mishra

Lead Product Engineer, Chatwoot

I failed at school

Since childhood, I knew academia and I were never going to be a match made in heaven, so I opted for a course that wouldn’t chain me to textbooks or deadlines. Instead, I set my sights on what I was really passionate about: community and design. In 2019, I decided to stop pretending to be a bookworm and jumped into designing for the community. I’ve stuck to it like glitter on a kindergarten art project ever since!

I got roasted for 3 years

I started out as a designer for the community, and my creative process was, shall we say, unconventional. We'd toss designs into a WhatsApp group, let them marinate for a solid two hours while 7-8 people roasted them like marshmallows over a campfire, generating a flurry of 200-300 messages tearing the designs apart. My job was to pick out the patterns from their fiery critiques, iterate like crazy, and repeat until most (or ideally all) were satisfied. This design-by-roasting went on for about three years until I finally graduated from university, a little singed but a lot wiser!