Helping startups with Product Design.

Case Study - DeepSource (YC W20)

How I re-designed the History Page


DeepSource is a Code Health Platform that helps you keep you build maintainable and secure software with Static Analysis and AI. Trusted by more that 3000 companies like Nasa, Ancestry, okteto, Appsmith, et cetera.


I was the Design lead for this project leading all the design and stakeholder initiatives. I worked with the Co-founder, the customer, Illustrators, Engineers and Other Product Owners to the project’s fulfilment.

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link to the case study

Case Study - InfinitIQ Design System

How we helped InfinitiQ design their product and design system


Infinitiq is driven with the sole purpose of crafting best learning outcomes in K12 education. Bringing all stake holders in the ecosystem together, prioritising Students learning journey, using technology for best learning outcomes, creating seamless learning ecosystem

link to the case study ->

link to the case study